Autor: Richard Berengarten
Editorial: Shearsman Books
Páginas: 32
Idioma: eng
Publicado: 15/04/2018
Alto: mm
Ancho: 140.00 mm
Lomo: 1.95 mm
Acabado: Tapa Blanda
“I’m not a prophet, but I believe you have written a great poem…” —Octavio Paz (from a personal letter)
“The note on the back cover of the first edition of Avebury describes the book as ‘a series of lyrical meditations, in which man’s roots are rediscovered in the modes of perception of earlier cultures’. This is true; but it is also true to say that ‘love defeating death’ is a universal theme.” —Jeremy Hooker
“Avebury freely moves through time, from pre-textual history to descriptions of art and civilisation, in the same way that Olson’s Maximus Poems and all of Eliot’s poems in Four Quartets envision history as an event that is taking place now and always, past and present simultaneously existing.” —Neli Moody
“It was a welcome surprise to find Avebury, where I have walked among the stones so often, placed back meaningfully on the spiritual map.” —Charles Tomlinson