Autor: Alexandra Sashe
Editorial: Shearsman Books
Páginas: 80
Idioma: eng
Publicado: 15/04/2013
Alto: mm
Ancho: 140.00 mm
Lomo: 4.87 mm
Acabado: Tapa Blanda
Sinopsis: The title of the collection-a term borrowed from anatomy and transposed onto the area of human relations (one’s relationship with oneself as well as with others)-should be read in the ambivalence which it spontaneously suggests: on the one hand, it is an opposition between bodies, a you as an anti-I, both on the emotive and physical levels; and, on the other hand, now taken in its proper sense, it is antibodies which ensure healing. The tension of this ambivalence forms the axis of the collection. However, a careful reader may notice a gradual change in tonality as the language becomes more elastic towards the second part of the book, the antithetical connotation giving way to the remedying one.